Concerned California Citizens

My name is Gary Fanger and I have been a resident of California for over 60 years. I have a wife, one child in elementary school, two in high school and two in college. Many of my friends have left the great state of California to move to states they feel will give their children better education, safer environments, lower taxes, and a place their voices will be heard.

Many Californians are leaving because they feel helpless in the current political environment. They cannot speak up at school board meetings without being intimidated, they cannot put political signs on their lawns without putting their homes and families at risk. Students can not voice their opinions in classrooms without being shut down and shamed. Too many Californians feel like they don’t have a voice in our state which is both unfortunate and un-American. 

This website is to gather Californians of all ages, races, philosophies, and genders into a voice that can be heard without feeling intimidated or bullied. There is strength in numbers and if we feel the support of others in our communities we will be able to be heard without being bullied into silence. I read an article earlier this year about parents rallying together in front of a California school district. The news reporter said the parents would not give out their names because they were afraid of reprisals from the community and the school district. This cannot happen if we want a free and fair society.

Californians with diverse ideas, philosophies and political positions need to be able to speak up in a respectful and calm way without being intimidated or bullied and this website will be a vehicle for that to happen. Please share your information so that we can send out newsletters and gather likeminded people together to voice their opinions. None of the fields are mandatory except the email which will only be shared with others if you give us permission.

Help us gather those in California that feel unheard so that we can become a stronger voice in the beautiful State of California.


Gary Fanger

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We’re always looking for the community’s support to help push our campaign further than we could ever imagine. Does that sound like you? Volunteer today and be a part of change.

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Join our team of like-minded everyday people who simply want a better world to live in. Where every voice is heard, every hand is held, and every soul is equal. You’re invited to join our cause.

Can we count on you?